Sunday, October 5, 2008

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz!

I have been getting Matthias ready for his haircut for about a week now. The last few times he had his hair cut he was a little traumatized! So, I have been asking him if he would like to go to this dude downtown named Chris at Clippers or if he would like Nana to do it? He would always reply " Nana do it!" We went over tonight for a yummy chicken chili dinner and then Nana went to it! First she got out the scissors and cut it short and then she started buzzing......Matthias was such a good boy! Andrew and I were shocked about how well he did. Yeah!!!! You should have seen the look on Nana's face when she made the first pass with the clippers, it was priceless! When Nana finished the haircut we put him in a bubble bath and then Papa gave him some ice cream....his two favorite things! Thank you so much Nana!

Oh.....Matthias' door is open and he just said Buzz, Buzz, Buzz in his sleep! Maybe it was a little more traumatic than I thought!


Angela said...

I love his curls but he is adorable no matter what! His smile could light up a room.

I loved seeing him singing "Head, Shoulder's, Knees and Toes" today. What a smart boy!

Debbi said...

Too cute! So what made you decide to take it all off?

andreawilliams said...

Oh my gosh! Please come home now!! We miss you!!!!